Molly’s 9th Christmas Tree

It’s November, which means I have been brainstorming a theme for Molly’s 9th Christmas tree. Each year, I don’t know how I will top the previous year and then I get excited for the new idea I have. This year, would you celebrate our Molly with a photo ornament? You can get fancy and order one from a company, print a photo (WHAT?!) and glue it to an ornament or draw you and/or your family. Even better, have your kiddos draw a picture of themselves or your family on the ornament. Stick figures are acceptable! We will plan to decorate Molly’s tree on her birthday, December 5th, but your ornaments are welcome through the month of December.

It still surprises me how our loss of Molly can still catch me off guard and bring me right back to that painful time. We joined a new small group this fall and when meeting new people, I know that at some point we will share about Molly. Three weeks ago we were discussing a time in our lives when questioned God asking, “What shall we do?” Paul and I have had a handful of these times in our lives and Molly’s life was a big one. As we shared about our girl who should be celebrating her 9th birthday, we both shed tears. We haven’t forgotten about her and that difficult time in our lives. We will always want her here and do our best to have peace with God taking her to heaven. Through Molly’s life we feel we have been able to positively impact others and use our pain for a purpose. We believe God’s plan is for good and cling to this truth.

Join us in celebrating our girl, Molly. A few ideas for inspiration below.